Friday, February 3, 2012

"Tiger Mother"

Professor Amy Chua, also known as the “tiger mother” strictly enforced rules for her children. She wanted her children to be the top of the class in every subject; they were expected to get straight A’s. They had to attend piano and violin practice all the time and even during the summer they were expected to follow strict rules. She explains that she wanted to teach her children perseverance, discipline, and values. Chua did not allow her children to watch TV because she wanted them to be focused in school all the time. However a social worker from New York University explains how her children would be affected by not watching TV. Chua children would not be able to fit in with their peers because they wouldn’t know what to discuss about or participate in any group life, which can affect their socialization. Erik Erikson explained how ones personality can change throughout the time and can also be influenced by the culture. Chua’s “Chinese parenting” prohibited her children to attend sleep overs and play dates. Her children will develop a different personality than those other kids at their school. It is very important for parents to enforce education however everything has its limits. 

By: Jenny Sanchez

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