Thursday, February 2, 2012

10 Long Years

According to ABC news, a Israeli- Arab couple living in West Bank are now being indicted for having kept “ the husband’s daughter locked up in a small dark room for 10 years.” Baraa Melhem had been locked up since she was 11-years-old and know at the age of 22 years old is finally a free woman.
She was forced both by her stepmother and father to sleep with no mattress just blankets and was only allowed to come out of her confinement to cook and clean. “She was beaten, threatened with rape and given a razor blade by her father and stepmother who urged her to commit suicide.” Her aunt was the one who notified the police.Ap Baraa Melhem imprisoned thg 120201 wblog Couple Indicted for Imprisoning Daughter for 10 Years
This relates to what we learned in chapter 4 because Baraa wasn’t able to acquire socialization, the process of learning to participate in group life through the acquisition of culture, during her 10 years of confinement. However, she is fortunate  to have been able to develop a personality, a relatively organized complex of attitudes, beliefs, values, and behavior because she had a pretty “normal” life growing up as a child until the age of 11. If she had been confined at a much younger age then it is most likely that she would not have developed a personality. This is because the most important learning occurs early in life. Her personality is evident when she mentions she values her new home with her biological mother; “This is heaven. Because you have always been free, you don’t appreciate it.”  
For more information on the article you can go to:
Picture taken directly from article.                     By: Ariana Mendoza

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