Saturday, February 25, 2012

Devious Politics

It seems that ever since the beginning of organized civilization the political world has been surrounded by scandals. Whether it be cheating on their significant others, stealing money, or simply not providing a birth certificate; the world seems to thrive off of the deviance of politicians. The most memorable act of deviance, "or scandal" as it is most often called, is the Watergate scandal. It all started with a story published in the Washington Post on Sunday, June 18, 1972 reported that burglars had been arrested inside the Watergate  complex in Washington. This led two young reporters Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward to investigate the event further. The evidence they found with the help of an informant named "Deep Throat" revealed that one of the men arrested at the water gate break in was not only on President Nixon's payroll but also a GOP security aide. After years of investigation all signs led to Nixon who, to avoid impeachment, resigned on August 9, 1974 becoming the only President to resign from office.

By Devanna Deveaux

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