Thursday, February 23, 2012

Driver’s License for Non-Citizens

On February 23, 2012, The Los Angeles Times released an article on a very controversial issue: whether illegal immigrants should be able to receive a driver’s license? The Los Angeles Police Department has developed this idea in order to lower the crime rate on California’s roads. They proposed to give illegal immigrants the opportunity to gain a driver’s license but must first fulfill certain requirements and must have no criminal record. Their plan is to issue them license’s that would be obvious to the stigma that they are labeled as: illegal immigrants. Many people debate that this would never go through because no one wants to be labeled the way they are planning to do so. However, many others believe that it is a good idea because it will further California’s revenue in gaining the state money with the insurance and license plates that will now be mandatory. People also seem to disagree because they claim that it is unconstitutional in allowing those who have already committed a crime live a more free life as an illegal. There is also a fear that it will only allow the government to track them, and some also fear that it will make things easier for terrorists to “slip through the cracks.”

By: Jazmin Gonzalez

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