Friday, February 10, 2012

Angry Dad Murders Laptop

           Tommy Jordan posted a video, this week, that has gone unexpectedly viral.  He expresses his conflict with his daughter's inability to appreciate what she has and her unacceptable Facebook posts. In the video Tommy reads his daughter's post out loud, which claims that she has an immense amount of chores and homework, but also on top of that she is expected to get a job. He then corrects his daughter's false statements  and punishes her by shooting her laptop.          
           As I was reading this, I thought that the 15 year old must be feeling overwhelmed with the roles of student and daughter. She is undergoing role conflict, she is finding it difficult to balance theses roles and adding a third one (employee) is an overload to her. Her father, however, is enforcing her obligations as a daughter and student, because they are behaviors widely expected from offspring, by parents.
Posted by: Estefania Giron

Chiaramonte, P. (2012). Video of gun-toting dad blasting away at daughter's laptop goes viral. Fox News. Retrieved February  

          10, 2012, from 


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