Friday, February 17, 2012

The streets of Sf

I am a big believer in relationships. Not just the ones between two people, in hope for something more in the future, like marriage. But the relationships that keep people going because of support. Over the past winter break I had encountered this relationship between a group of people. They were at a detox center in Downtown San Fransisco, where death rates, drug rates and homelessness is high. But on the corners you are able to find people who use their talents of patience, giving, and hope that change these people. They provide primary groups for these people in need of help.

The picture above is the front door of St. Vincent's De Paul Society. A place where Substance Abuse Groups are held, also known as small group size. They also provide amenities  such as showers, yoga classes, writing classes and  a help desk that provides clothes of the less fortunate.

There is nothing like experience this as a volunteer. Being able to work one on one with people of the streets and hear their stories, it's amazing. They provide you with happiness that can't be replaced.
To check out or donate to SVDS visit :

-Jessica Ruiz

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