Friday, February 10, 2012

Anxiety Over Capitalism

Capitalism, an economic system where investments and ownership of wealth, production, and distribution is strictly controlled and owned by private individuals and corporations, the 1% of wealth in our society. By any means, capitalism provided success and power to Western countries, specifically America. America, as the top dog, is the most powerful, wealthiest country in the world. How, you may ask? Well by oppressing the lower and middle class individuals through, taxes, foreclosures, and insurance. The 95% of society generally the lower and middle class have struggled to make ends meat, while corporation and private companies such as Walmart and Bank of America benefit from their employees hard work, dedication, and money by rewarding themselves with additional bonuses and luxury. After watching Michael Moore’s film on Capitalism, I grew hatred towards our nation’s system. My fellow Americans are foolish and uneducated to allow this foolish system to continue. The film gave me anxiety and doubts of my choice of career in the medical care. It made me reflect on the past, present, and future.

By Nesrin Ahmed

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