Friday, February 17, 2012

Obama Administration Asks for Delay in Legal Fight Over Contraception Coverage
Obama Administration asks for delay in legal fight over contraception coverage

There has been a lot of debate about new laws dealing with birth control over the last couple of weeks. Ideas reflect the want to make birth control available to all individuals no matter which hospitals. Most hospitals are in uproar about the ethics of making religious hospitals promote practices that are against their faith and the foundation they were built upon.
On Friday, February 17, 2012, an article on CNN was released about taking these new laws to federal court. The federal court counts as a formal organization that is together to complete tasks and goals relating to federal laws. Many say that this law is outrageous and some claim that it could just be part of the political campaign. Who knows who will stand up for their beliefs in risking to be an outcast or a part of the out group. This law and argument will mostly rely on group think and individuals may end up going with the flow instead of standing up for what they believe in.

Jordan Leach
Article found here:

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