Friday, February 10, 2012

Lucky Father

According to ABC news , Mark Aulger, age 52, was able to see his newborn baby Savannah Augler before dying. His wife Diane Aulger,  had an induced labor in order for her dying husband to have the opportunity to at least hold her baby once before passing away. He got to cradle her for 45 minutes.

PHOTO: Diane Aulger induced labor so her dying husband could hold their daughter. He died 45 minutes later.
This relates to what we studied this week because once the newly born baby was born she gained the status of a child and a daughter. Later on as she grows up she will acquire many other statuses. Her father also gained the status of being a father (although technically he was already a father to his other children). Of course, along with holding a particular status comes particular obligations. Her father would have had certain roles. He would be responsible for providing his new born daughter with love and attention among other things. Unfortunately, he passed away before his role performance was actually performed. However, he was lucky enough to have been able to see her daughter at least once, which I think was wonderful.

- Ariana Mendoza

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