Friday, February 3, 2012

Susan G. Komen for the Cure and Planned Parenthood?

An article in the Los Angeles Times by Amina Khan, it is stated that the Susan G. Komen for the Cure (a foundation for breast cancer) has had a change of heart, not only once, but twice about the support they have given Planned Parenthood. The foundation recently made a decision to bring to an end their support for Planned Parenthood. However, politicians, non-profit organizations and responses from several social medias received their update with a complete sense of rejection. Three days after their initial decision and the responses they received, the Susan G. Komen for the Cure, announced that they were no longer going to stop the support they gave Planned Parenthood. They apologized for, “recent decisions that cast doubt upon our commitment to [their] mission of saving women's lives”.
I think that the foundation’s decision to take back their original idea was simply because of the ideologies presented by the power elite including organizations, politicians, and the generalized of social media. If they had not had criticism pouring in from all angles, I do think that the Susan G. Komen for the Cure foundation would have ended their support for Planned Parenthood. Whether they were doing it for a justified reason or not, everyone would have had their own responses to their actions. But, this is a perfect example of how the perception of others, especially those with power that can either help or bring down a foundation, can have a major effect on the forming or conformity of anyone, even foundations.

By: Vanessa Torres

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