Friday, February 10, 2012

Obama on the Pill

President Barack Obama settled a dispute between politics and the Catholic Church. Religious affiliated institutions were the ones providing female contraceptives for their employees. The Church had every right to be against this, since it is contradiction towards their faith.
This controversy started on January 20th 2012. Obama allowed for religious institutions to provide free birth control to women, while ignoring the church’s beliefs. Catholic cardinals and bishops across the U.S. defensively responded to policy in Sunday Masses. Even Obama’s own party felt wrong about the policy when it was first established in January.
Obama finally put an end it by revamping the policy. Now health insurance companies will provide free contraception for women.
Planned Parenthood gave their input as well. "The Obama administration has reaffirmed its commitment to ensuring all women will have access to birth control coverage, with no costly co-pays, no additional hurdles, and no matter where they work ...  we will be vigilant in holding the administration and the institutions accountable for a rigorous, fair and consistent implementation of the policy ..."
This article about Obama changing the contraception policy involved topics discussed in class. The groups in this current issue which were President Obama, the Catholic Church and women covered the topics: social structure and society.
For more news about this visit:

posted by: Alejandra Hernandez

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