Friday, February 10, 2012

Daughters Rule

       For many years, their have been certain gender roles, or culturally defined rights and obligations attached to status to indicate expected behaviors, attached to women. Some examples include women should do the cooking and cleaning while the men work outside the home and also that women are weaker and intellectually inferior to men. Nowadays, there appears to be quite a shift in gender roles and more and more women are breaking out of the stereotypes. There could be a reason for this occurrence in the younger generation. According to research by sociologists Emily Shafer and Neil Malhotra, father's who have daughter are more likely to dispel traditional gender roles. The surprising part of the study was that they did not see the same results in mothers and their daughters.
      This article was written partially in response to rapper Jay-Z making a public declaration that after the birth of his and Beyonce's baby girl, he will stop referring to women as bitches. I don't know how long that promise will last or if it will even happen in the first place. I just thought it was an interesting concept and definitely something to think about. Personally, I think I participate in roles from both genders. I am just as comfortable rolling up my sleeves and painting a  room as I am cooking my family dinner. I'll clean if I have to, but it's definitely not a gender role I relish. What's up with cleaning up after men?!? As far as I'm concerned, everyone should do their own laundry, because I definitely don't want to touch anyone else's dirty clothes. =)

Post By: Audrey Tuna

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