Would you move back to the country you were born in even if it means leaving all the luxuries you are used to behind? According to the Los Angeles Times , an article from March 15,2012 states that Nuer Maker Benjamin, a man from South Sudanese who lived in London moved back into his hometown Juba. One reason why he went back was because he wanted to get to know his father, who still lived in Juba, more . In my opinion, it was much more than that. I believe he decided to go back because he knew he would feel more comfortable in the country he was born in. Benjamin was part of the minority while he lived and studied in London. Because of his race, he also experienced racism while living in London. He mentions that while in London the police would harass him. Before living in London he used to live with family members in Cairo where boys called him “Chocolada and Konga Bonga.” It is sad that something like this still happens today.
Article and picture can be found : http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/world/la-fg-south-sudan-return-20120316,0,3794253.story
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