Friday, March 2, 2012

"Sudden Unintended Acceleration"

In today’s modern society, there are several types of cars with different capacities such as talking and self driving or self parking. But what happens when your car hits a cement wall without you commanding it to do so? Tanya Spotts, a Toyota customer, confidently bought a Lexus thinking that old electronical glitches through the Toyota manufacturers had been resolved; but she was wrong.
One day, her Lexus decided to hit the cement wall as Tanya was going into a parking space at the mall. She assures that she did not hit the gas at all; however, Toyota disagrees with her claim. They blame the floor mats, sticky throttle, or even an error by the driver. One momentous factor that truly proves that Tanya did not hit the gas pedal is that she never drove her Lexus again ever since the incident. She was that afraid that she did not want to risk her life. but what can she do when both Toyota and the government have more power than her? The only thing Tanya was able to do was keep the car with the mind of its own locked in her garage. She might never know though, it may just drive off on its own....kidding.  

                                                                           Credit: Google Images

Posted By: Jennifer Zesati

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