Friday, March 16, 2012

Have We Really Come Down to This?

            President Obama overcame the prejudice and discriminatory remarks and alterations thrown his way during his presidential campaign. Although having a sea of supporters, without a doubt where those pulling the nation back into its discriminatory ways simply because of Barack Obama’s race.  

            Now that the time for reelections are creeping in, Obama’s name is back in the minds, mouths, and apparently the bumper stickers of millions. Yahoo News have an article stating that an anti-Obama slur was found printed on a bumper sticker that read, “Don't Re-Nig in 2012. Stop repeat offenders. Don't' reelect Obama!” It was found that such bumper sticker could be found at the website “Stumpy’s Stickers” along with other merchandise involving racial comments.

            The picture of the bumper sticker has been under investigation, but the results have been that it has not been altered in any way. The origin of the photo has also led to a dead end, since results have led to a URL owned anomalously. 

            The message being delivered in the picture/bumper sticker is obviously offensive and discriminating. Yes, everyone is allowed their own opinions and their own vote for our future president, but, they can surely be courteous about their thoughts. Need an idea? People, how about having a bumper sticker supporting your choice for presidential candidate rather than offending not only your current president but millions of others in this nation. How is it possible for this country to be prideful for their freedom and equality when comments such as this rise against others, even the president? We are in need of a major change.

By: Vanessa Torres
Article can be found at:

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