One powerful issue within society today that has not been recognized fully and is yet to gain momentum is modern day slavery. Both women's and men's roles in the act of slavery is dangerous and it shows that slavery cannot be abolished completely even in this modern world.
Undercover filmmaker Mimi Chakarova went to expose modern day slavery in poor countries by filming where women and men engage in the act of sex for money. What's worse about the situation is that it's a whole lot more common than what everyone thinks for it to be.
Mimi interviewed an Albanian woman who dealt with sexual harrasment by her own stepfather. She decided to leave with her boyfriend at the time to escape but ended up being a prostitute for him. Thus, it shows the role of sexism because the woman was overpowered by her pimp for not being able to defend herself on her own. Unfortunately, many young girls and young women share similar stories that show how common the sex trade is .
The film The Price of Sex was showcased in the Human Rights Watch Film Festival in London.
The following article can be found at:
By: Jocelyn Gonzalez
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