Friday, March 2, 2012

Prestige vs. Underclass

         After many years wasted having to attend court appointments, there is no doubt Lindsay Lohan lost prestige in society for her previous unlawful behaviors. She like any celebrity in Hollywood grew up to a life chance of opportunity with wealth, income, and prestige. Now that she has attended one of last court meetings, she claims, she will begin to learn how to live happy doing the things she loves the most. She later states that she became to realize her situation after evaluating several members in her family. Lindsay probably became class conscious about her status in Hollywood and realize that if she continuous with her unlawful behaviors, she would eventually downfall to a lower social class unemployed. In the past years Lindsay Lohan became rejected from movie casts due to her scandalized behaviors. Now that is growing older, she mediates about her life experiences giving her a turning point to negative results. Lindsay finally ends with being thankful to the staff at the Morgue for being amiable and helpful to her, she says, “the morgue became a humble experience”. In a sense, Lindsay became to experience first hand what is it like to work for a living everyday at the Morgue and get to work with underclass average people.

Post by: Stephanie Romo

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