Many girls have grown up thinking that they have to look perfect in order for society to not look down upon them. The situation has become viral and completely gotten out of hand. Teenage girls are posting videos to YouTube asking viewers if they think they are pretty. I find it very sad that girls who are supposed to be having fun and growing up care so much about the way they look. A couple days ago an article was released about a fifteen year old girl posting videos about how to look like a doll. What is the explanation for all of the teenage girls wanted to look so fake and perfect? The biggest thing to blame is the media. When girls go through gender socialization, they are learning what is write and wrong from the way media portrays a beautiful woman. The gender roles of women these days seems to be so skewed. These "beautiful" woman that are seen on TV are so made up and airbrushed that teenage girls don't realize that you are not supposed to look like that or be that skinny. Numbers in anorexia and bulimia are sky rocketing with this trend of being and looking perfect. Girls take their lives every day because they feel ashamed that they do not look a certain way. It is so sad to see the way girls are being pressured to try and fit a mold that they are not necessarily meant to fit.
Jordan Leach
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