Friday, March 30, 2012

The Truth

-Ariana Mendoza

The article that I chose talks about the President’s  “controversial individual health insurance mandate” which has finally reached the supreme court  this month. However, further along the article topics such as the ones we were assigned to read this week were mentioned. The first term is infant mortality rate. The article talks about how the United States ranks 43rd internationally in infant mortality. This article also addresses the term life expectancy . It mentions that although life expectancy ranks 39 “according to U.N figures, in reality when “figures are adjusted  to account for death due to violence, the United States  rank N0 1…” I  found this very interesting because I would never have imagined the United States to hold this position. This definitely made me think more about how violence is something big in the country and made me want to know more ways about what to do to help stop this or at least help control this. Who knew that a country so great as America had big issues to worry about such as that of violence. This article definitely made me become more aware.

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