Friday, March 23, 2012

Biological Clocks

In this article it explains how  a biological clock has always been a woman's problem, but research shows that the clock is not a problem for men. This is a negative fertility toward woman, however, a man does have a biological clock because of their age. For the male sex a man's fertility begins to decline in his 30's however, then steadily drops through his 40's and 50's. For a female gender a woman is born with all the eggs she will ever have while the opposite gender produces a hundred million sperm each day through cell division. Also the more often a cell divides, the more likely a glitch will occur as the genetic code is copied is what happens to the female gender.When I read this I thought it was interesting because it talk about the opposite sex gender when it comes to their fertlities and I really did not anything about that at all, so that was interesting and something I had learned today. Also in the article it talks about how there is a study in the Archives of General Psychiatry which has found the risk of schizophrenia in children being associated with older paternal age which is a shock to myself and I hope it can be stopped
By:brandie Suncin

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