As you may or may not know, the current California Mega Millions Jackpot has now soared to $640 million dollars which is the highest it has ever been in world history. As usual, whenever a high lotto jackpot is announced, people from all over scramble to get their hands on the tickets. We have all heard of the past winners and it seems that more often than not, the winner happen to be a person who is on the verge of bankruptcy living out of their car. For theses people, winning the lottery truly does change their life, like the show of the same name demonstrates. However, there has been a interesting development with this new lotto jackpot: even folks living in Beverly Hills, one of the wealthiest
communities, or concentration of people whose major social and economic needs are satisfied primarily within the area that they live, in the entire United States, are buying lotto tickets. And not just one or two tickets, but hundreds. This just goes to show that even some of the wealthiest people in the country could still use and extra 640 millions dollars in their life. Hmm. Makes you think.... I might just have to go buy a tickets for myself.
Posted By Audrey Tuna