Wednesday, January 25, 2012

You mean they don't serve french fries in France?

"MacDo" , or as we call it, "Mc Donald's" is the world's largest food chain that operates in 123countries around the world. But Mc Donald's in other countries don't have the same menu that consist of our delicious Big Mac's and Mc Rib's, instead incorporates the culture of the country's society to create a new menu. If you take a look at Mc Donald's here in the U.S or especially in L.A, everything is fast paced. The workers time themselves to make sure you get your food under 10 minutes, everything is wrapped so you are able to take it on the go. And psychologically speaking, don't even mention the seats in the restaurant! Ever wonder why the seats are so hard? They make them that way so you are discouraged to stay for a long period of time. In comparison to the french, "the cozy McCafe's with their plush chairs and sofas have become an extension to many restaurants." 
Since the culture of Americans is one of a fast paced life, and we are always on the go, they make it so you won't stay for a long time. Also allowing an influx of costumers . 
Producers of "MacDo" in France take the real culture of France's slow pace and relaxing life. As mentioned in the article, "The beauty of McDonald's in France is that it doesn't feel like a fast food joint, where hordes of people shuffle in and out and tables turn at a fast clip." Many of their differences from our Mc Donald's includes, McBaguette, french cattle that is grass fed, and french chickens. Since France is known for their " land of haute cuisine" they take pride in having high quality food, even in fast food joints.

Although France and the U.S vary in many ways, we have one thing in common, McDonald's. So if you find yourself in a McDo in France, don't get a culture shock when you receive a baguette instead of your McGriddle. 
For more info visit,

- Jessica Ruiz 

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