Friday, January 27, 2012

Female Migrants

Every day we hear in the news about people being deported and send back to their home state. However, we do not hear about the social cultural changes that these immigrants go through before they are arrested and deported? In the article “Female Migrants Face Culture Shock” by Janice Mall, she mentions how women that travel back and forth between Mexico and the United States as migrants workers usually experience a cultural shock each time they cross the border. This occurs, because they are exposed to two different kinds of lifestyles. As Mall stated about these women, “They are uprooted and dissatisfied in one or the other country, depending on which culture suits them best.” Meaning that these women confuse themselves, because of the constant changes that exist in their lives; causing them to have preference over one lifestyle than the other depending on their culture.

The article mentions why cultural shock occurs and it is due to the different expectations of society in each country.  Women who come over to the United States to unite with their husband and not join the working force have shown to suffer from stress and psychosomatic illness while away from their homes in Mexico, according to a research made by the medical students from the University of Guadalajara. These effects were seen on women who at some point in their lives felt isolated and dependent of their husband, when they were used to having total control over their own life when they lived on their home state.
This article can be found in:
-Juana Bravo

1 comment:

  1. it is true how they say latina women should play the role of a housewife and how the mother teaches her daughter to do the same. But women from this time especially latina women will change that and that we do not need a man to depend on. We can survive on our own with our education and degree :)!
