Friday, January 27, 2012

Elephant meat for dinner?

So I had a culture shock today! An article released by the Associated Press today revealed that there is a great concern for elephants in Thailand. In the past months poachers have killed several elephants for human consumption. Normally poachers kill elephants for their tusks but now they have taken it to much greater extremes. They are most interested in consuming elephant's sex organs. Some Thailand cultures believe that consuming animals' sex organ can boost their sexual prowess. Poachers that have been killing these elephants are counterculture individuals who can't comprehend that killing these helpless animals is against the law in Thailand! There is not a big demand on elephant meat now however, Soraida Salwala, the founder of Friends of the Asian Elephant foundation, stated, "There's only a handful of people who like to eat elephant meat, but once there's demand, poachers will find it hard to resist the big money," He also states that a full grown pair of tusks could be sold from 1 million to 2 million baht ($31,600 to $63,300), while the estimated value of an elephant's penis is more than 30,000 baht ($950)." I hope that Thailand officials can stop poachers from killing elephants.

By Janeth Avila Del Real

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