Saturday, January 28, 2012

Deworming Haiti

Deworming Haiti
By Nesrin Ahmed

With broken homes and lack of sanitation, the Haitian society has been rebuilding their communities and life's after the devastating 7.0 magnitude earthquake in 2010. Children of Haiti are suffering the most, coping with the aftermath of the traumatic natural disaster. They are suffering from poor diets and  homelessness. Children are suffering with anemia and are consuming meals which are contaminated with parasites. However, Aaron Jackson, a native from Florida has brought the awareness of these conditions through his deworming project, called Stomp the Worm. His organization Planting Peace, has helped over millions of children around the world and has formed secure homes for children in Haiti and India. In 2011, he has dewormed 8 million children. In addition his goal is to deworm 1 million children per month. Deworming is the supplying  of anthelmintic drug to get rid of intestinal parasites. Jackson believes that with the importance of deworming, “You can see hungry children eating three times a day, and if they're not dewormed they're still lethargic, have high rates of anemia. They're slowly wasting away.” Making the world a better place, Aaron Jackson has been honored as a CNN hero.

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